Friday, March 26, 2010

In the left seat of the Spruce Goose. Oh yeah!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is my friend Brandy in his Super Cub. Does anybody wonder why we love to fly in the Pacific Northwest?
This is what she looked like summer of 2009. Yep! That is yers truly. Over the winter I have removed the wheel pants. They look nice (when clean) but are a royal pain.
I haven't paid much attention to this blog since the airplane went back into the air. But I thought I would add a few items from time to time.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Grand Finale

November 8346 Juliet returned to the air today!

The first start. It all checked out!
The cowl is on.

Taxi-ing out to the fuel pumps.

Taxi-ing out to Runway 23.

departing 23.

Gotta love that climb prop!!

On approach to 23.

On final.

On short final.

On REALLY short final.

The flair!


Here is the engine, freshly arrived and ready to hang on the airplane.

Mechanic extradinaire Dennis Toepke hard at work. The engine is attached to the airplane and the prop has been mounted. The prop will need to come off. We discovered that the mounting plate for the spinner is cracked.

The interior is finished!

Monday, February 16, 2009


A lot has been done, but not much for photos. The majority of the carpet is finished, all except the right kick panel. It will get done this week. One seat is upholstered (see previous) and the left seat is left to do. It also must get done this week.

I invented a reasonable Push-to-Talk switch. The previous one was velcro-ed on and would not stay put. The above photo shows my invention. It is a standard cable clamp with a momentary contact switch bolting the thing to the yoke. It isn't much different than the previous one, except that its stays put.

The engine arrives on the 21st and everything should be complete, and the airplane airworthy, by the 22nd.